The Premodern Diplomats Network [Bath Spa University and Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw] has just completed their third Splendid Encounters conference [5th – 6th March].Following the success of the Warsaw and Bath conferences, this one, at the European University Institute in Florence, was equally exciting, with papers ranging from Portuguese diplomacy in India, (1545–1548) to the diplomacy of Madagascar pirates with Sweden (1718).
The plenary speaker was Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, who spoke on ‘Imagined embassies in seventeenth century Europe: Spanish Habsburg diplomats and visual communication’. Samuel Morrison Gallacher, of the Medici Archive Project, gave us an introduction to Digital Humanities and Diplomacy.
Speakers: Vincenzo de Meulenaere, Ghent University; Georgina Moore, Bath Spa University; Ernesto Oyarbide, University of Oxford; Diego Pizzorno, University of Genoa; Ettore Cafagna, University of Verona; Michał Wasiucionek, European University Institute; Roger Lee Jesus, University of Coimbra, Ozden Mercan, European University Institute; Rikard Drakenlordh, Bath Spa University; Rubén González Cuerva, German Historical Institute in Rome/IULCE; Miguel Conde Pazos, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/IULCE; Koldo Trápaga Monchet, Universidade Nova da Lisboa/IULCE; Vanessa de Cruz Medina, Independent researcher; Alejandra Franganillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Laura Oliván, University of Vienna; Bram van Leuveren, University of St Andrews; Suna Suner, Don Juan Archiv, Vienna; Nina Lamal, KU Leuven/University of St Andrews; Francesco Malfatti, European University Institute; José Miguel Escribano Páez, European University Institute; Michael Talbot,
Université Paris 1 Panthéon–Sorbonne.
The conference concluded with a wonderful dinner at Castello di Sezzate, Greve in Chianti, as the guests Dr Giovanni Weidinger of the Don Juan Archiv, Vienna.
The plenary speaker was Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, who spoke on ‘Imagined embassies in seventeenth century Europe: Spanish Habsburg diplomats and visual communication’. Samuel Morrison Gallacher, of the Medici Archive Project, gave us an introduction to Digital Humanities and Diplomacy.
Speakers: Vincenzo de Meulenaere, Ghent University; Georgina Moore, Bath Spa University; Ernesto Oyarbide, University of Oxford; Diego Pizzorno, University of Genoa; Ettore Cafagna, University of Verona; Michał Wasiucionek, European University Institute; Roger Lee Jesus, University of Coimbra, Ozden Mercan, European University Institute; Rikard Drakenlordh, Bath Spa University; Rubén González Cuerva, German Historical Institute in Rome/IULCE; Miguel Conde Pazos, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/IULCE; Koldo Trápaga Monchet, Universidade Nova da Lisboa/IULCE; Vanessa de Cruz Medina, Independent researcher; Alejandra Franganillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Laura Oliván, University of Vienna; Bram van Leuveren, University of St Andrews; Suna Suner, Don Juan Archiv, Vienna; Nina Lamal, KU Leuven/University of St Andrews; Francesco Malfatti, European University Institute; José Miguel Escribano Páez, European University Institute; Michael Talbot,
Université Paris 1 Panthéon–Sorbonne.
The conference concluded with a wonderful dinner at Castello di Sezzate, Greve in Chianti, as the guests Dr Giovanni Weidinger of the Don Juan Archiv, Vienna.